Sunday, October 16, 2011

lab report

Xin Phong
Period 3

Lab 3 Report

The purpose of this lab was to observe objects moving at a constant speed and objects moving with changing speed. In moving at a constant speed, the movement of the car and the amount of time it takes to travel from one position to another is observed. For part one, from watching the car move, we and recording the data from our observations, we find out whether the car picks up or slows down in speed. In our case, the car speeds up initially and then slows down at a constant speed. This is done on a leveled floor, that way it adds to the constant speed of the car as it begins to move forward. In the second part of our lab, our purpose was to observe the ball moving at an increasing speed. Because it was elevated a certain way, we can infer that gravity play a role in the speed of the ball as it rolls downward.

I learned that things that roll down on anything that’s tilted pick up in speed. I also learned that when something travels on a flat surface, it’s speed becomes constant a second or two after starting. In doing this lab, I also learned to better record data by doing things such as marking the time on the tape, and making sure there are no obstacles that will get in the way of the object that’s moving. Another thing I learned to do was that, the degree of the angled surface plays a role in how quickly the ball will travel. The steeper it is, the more quickly the ball will travel, and vice-versa. Some possible errors in part one of lab three could have been that the surface the car traveled on was bumpy, or if a group member speculated the wrong area that the car was supposed to stop at a certain time. Possible errors that might have occurred in lab two was if the track was tilted up to high, or if the ball might have been pushed a little when released. Another error could have been that the mark in the position of the ball at certain times were inaccurate.

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