Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Attention Getter: Most of us agree that murder is wrong. Many of us believe that abortion is synonymous to murder. However this is a faulty logic and requires careful examination.

Bond: We all have women in our lives that we care about whether it be our mothers, friends, or significant others. We should really consider protecting their rights as a women.

Credentials: I read. A lot.

Destination/Objective Sentence: My goal is to convince you that women should have the right to abortion. I expect to have you convinced that this is the right view to have. What a women chooses to do with her personal life and her own body is solely up to her, and the government should not play a role in her reproductive rights.

Speech Preview:
Consider how access to having an abortion is a right all women should have. A woman should not feel guilty or threatened for making the choice to have an abortion. Women should be able to have the option to undergo a safe abortion.

1. Main Point #1.
Laws against abortion do not stop abortion; they simply make it less safe.
The number of women who get abortions does not change when it goes from being legal to illegal, or vice versa. The only thing that changes is more women die. Every year, 78,000 women die from unsafe abortions.

Main Point # 2. 

Women who are raped or victims of incest should not be forced to carry out a pregnancy. Odds are that 1 in 3 women will be victims of sexual violence in her lifetime. Does this mean that 33% of all women should be forced to carry out a pregnancy from this violation? Considering how many people are killed during childbirth (see #2), should we allow this further risk to endured on top of what has already been done?

Many would argue that these women could endure the pregnancy, spending nearly a year of her life simply re-living the rape and its effects over and over again, to give up a baby at the end of it for adoption. However, we all are aware of the fact that there are millions of unwanted children awaiting adoption as we speak who remain unclaimed; in fact, UNICEF estimates that there are 210 million orphans in the world right now. If they have no one willing to be their parent or guardian, why would another baby have a better chance?
My theory is that people who spend so much time, energy, and money on anti-abortion campaigns should instead spend it on the precious children they say need saving so much—the ones who are alive and parentless. Imagine if all the funds spent on all those billboards and flyers and campaigns were instead either spent adopting or donating to places that are overrun with orphaned children… perhaps some actual credibility would be given to these people who claim to love children so much.
Also, there is the fact of the matter of the more than one million homeless youth in America alone. The number one factor for a child being homeless is physical or sexual abuse at home. Perhaps these “child-lovers” should step in and care for these already-born children as well.

Main Point #3
1. Doctors, not governments, should always be the people to make medical recommendations and opinions. Would you allow the government to tell you if you could have a kidney transplant or a blood transfusion? Of course not. The fact that we evenconsider, let alone allow, governments to regulate a medical procedure is both illogical and foolish.

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